A processor, also known as a central processing unit (CPU), is the brain of a computer or electronic device. It carries out instructions from software by performing arithmetic, logic, control, and input/output (I/O) operations. The processor’s performance is largely determined by its core count (number of individual processing units), clock speed (measured in GHz, indicating how fast it executes instructions), and architecture (design that impacts efficiency and capabilities). Modern processors may have multiple cores and threads to handle complex, parallel tasks efficiently, as well as integrated graphics to manage display output without the need for a separate graphics card. Processors are used in a wide variety of devices, from computers and smartphones to embedded systems in automobiles and home appliances.
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Apple Mac Mini (M4, 24GB, 512GB)
₹99,900.00Original price was: ₹99,900.00.₹93,900.00Current price is: ₹93,900.00. -
Apple Mac Mini (M4, 16GB, 512GB)
₹79,900.00Original price was: ₹79,900.00.₹72,900.00Current price is: ₹72,900.00. -
Apple Mac Mini (M4, 16GB, 256GB)
₹59,900.00Original price was: ₹59,900.00.₹54,900.00Current price is: ₹54,900.00. -
Cooler Master CMP 520 ARGB ATX PC CASE
₹6,900.00Original price was: ₹6,900.00.₹5,100.00Current price is: ₹5,100.00. -
Cooler Master FORCE 500 (ATX) Mid Tower Cabinet
₹4,900.00Original price was: ₹4,900.00.₹3,700.00Current price is: ₹3,700.00.
Intel Core i3-12100 Processor 12M Cache, up to 4.30 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i3-12100F Processor 12M Cache, up to 4.30 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i3-14100 Processor 12M Cache, up to 4.70 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i3-14100F Processor 12M Cache, up to 4.70 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i5-12400 Processor 18M Cache, up to 4.40 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i5-12400F Processor 18M Cache, up to 4.40 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i5-12600 Processor 18M Cache, up to 4.80 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i5-12600K Processor 20M Cache, up to 4.90 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i5-14400 Processor 20M Cache, up to 4.70 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i5-14400F Processor 20M Cache, up to 4.70 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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- ✓ Installment up to 6 months
Intel Core i5-14500 Processor 24M Cache, up to 5.00 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i5-14600K Processor 24M Cache, up to 5.30 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i5-14600KF Processor 24M Cache, up to 5.30 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i7-12700 Processor 25M Cache, up to 4.90 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i7-12700F Processor 25M Cache, up to 4.90 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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Intel Core i7-12700K Processor 25M Cache, up to 5.00 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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- ✓ Installment up to 6 months
Intel Core i7-12700KF Processor 25M Cache, up to 5.00 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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- ✓ Installment up to 6 months
Intel Core i7-14700 Processor 33M Cache, up to 5.40 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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- ✓ Installment up to 6 months
Intel Core i7-14700F Processor 33M Cache, up to 5.40 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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- ✓ Installment up to 6 months
Intel Core i7-14700K Processor 33M Cache, up to 5.60 GHz
- ✓ 3 Years Warranty
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- ✓ Installment up to 6 months